In 2021, photographer John Abramson ventured across all 71 miles of the Canal on behalf of the Conservancy to capture the stories and faces of those who love the old Canal. We are pleased to share some of these stories with you.

From Biking to Beekeeping: Unforgettable Moments on the High Line Canal

In the bustling city, Mike and Sheryl found solace and adventure on their bicycles. Their love for biking led them to discover the High Line Canal trail, a natural refuge weaving through the metro area. Little did they know, their shared passion would lead them on an extraordinary journey, from capturing bee swarms to encountering magnificent owls amidst a breathtaking sunset.

Mike and Sheryl were no strangers to long-distance bike rides. Together, they conquered challenging routes like Ride the Rockies and embarked on numerous cycling adventures. The High Line Canal trail, with its scenic beauty and tranquil atmosphere, quickly became a favorite escape.

One day in 2014, while exploring the Canal, Sheryl spotted a swirling cloud of bees. Intrigued, she decided to investigate further. She returned with Mike to capture the bee swarm, armed with a box to safely contain them. The excitement of capturing the buzzing colony was just the beginning of their unexpected journey as Mike and Sheryl decided to establish two beehives in their backyard, transforming themselves into novice beekeepers.

Becoming beekeepers has brought joy to Mike and Sheryl, yet the most enduring memory along the Canal came one unexpected evening. Sheryl’s eyes were drawn to a branch near the trail. To her astonishment, two owls perched gracefully, silhouetted against the backdrop of a blood-red sunset. The magnificent birds seemed to share the moment with her, their wise eyes reflecting the beauty of nature.

The High Line Canal became more than just a trail; it became a sanctuary where they found inspiration, solace, and a profound connection with the world around them. Every pedal stroke was a reminder of the wonders waiting to be discovered. As Mike and Sheryl continue to bike the Canal, they know that each ride has the potential for new adventures and the chance to witness the unexpected marvels that nature has in store.