In 2021, photographer John Abramson ventured across all 71 miles of the Canal on behalf of the Conservancy to capture the stories and faces of those who love the old Canal. We are pleased to share some of these stories with you.

One Step at a Time: More Than a Trail, the Healing Power of the High Line Canal

Pictured: Dr. Brian Haas.

The Canal is more than a trail. It is a place where memories are made and people train for marathons. Adults commute to work while children learn to ride bikes. On the High Line Canal, the community embraces nature in the middle of the city. But the trail is also a place of healing. 

Enjoying walks on the Canal for years, orthopedist Dr. Brian Haas, witnesses the ebb and flow of seasons and changes in his own life. This portrait captures the Canal not only a picturesque backdrop for Dr. Haas’ daily walks, but also as a crucial component of his recovery journey.

Dr. Haas finds strength in the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other. After years of walking the Canal for pure pleasure, the tables turned, and his Canal walks became more than just exercises; they were a form of physical therapy and recovery following an accident and not one but two knee replacements.

The High Line Canal is a scenic escape and also a pathway to recovery, offering a sanctuary to reclaim strength, one step at a time. Even in the face of challenges, there’s a path forward.