As 2022 comes to a close, we are reflecting on what made this year great! Here’s a few favorite memories from our staff.

Our visionary leader, who works tirelessly to protect the old Canal, Harriet, says, “walking George along the Canal. Our dog, George, loved the High Line as do so many of the dogs that are lucky enough to visit. The smells, pets from near strangers, other dogs, and the occasional epicurean delight of a stranger’s kibble or a dead animal! He loved life, our staff and everyone he met.” Pictured is Harriet, George and friends on the Canal.

Bookkeeper extraordinaire Elisabeth says, “hopping on our old tandem bike with my husband and riding as far as we could, taking in the many sights of the always changing landscape of the Canal.” Pictured is Elisabeth and her husband, Jacob, at Dine for the High Line.

A natural at natural resources and all things trees and shrubs, Julia says, “watching our newly planted trees get their roots (& seed pods) out on the Canal this year.” Pictured is Julia with a seed pod, Julia wrapping young trees and a tree beginning to bud.

Planning & implementation guru Josh says, “using the Parker Road underpass for the first time! Excited for safer connections along the trail in east Denver. Big thanks to Denver and Arapahoe County for making it happen!” Pictured is the north end of the Parker & Mississippi Underpass.

Intern turned full-time development team member (with so many great skills, we couldn’t lose her!) Emma says, “birding with Denver Audubon Society master birders in Waterton Canyon on Big Day! It was a gorgeous fall day and we ended up seeing 22 bird species, from a golden eagle to a belted kingfisher.” Pictured is a group of birders walking through Waterton Canyon on Big Day.

Animal lover and programs pundit Sam says, “playing with lots of dogs at Dogs and Donuts!” Pictured is Sam leading dog agility at Dogs + Donuts.

Operations operative (who keeps everything running) Tracy says, “my favorite memory from 2022 is March 21- the day I walked in the office as a Conservancy staff member. It’s an incredible honor to be a part of this talented, energetic and dedicated team.” Pictured is a full Conservancy staff bike ride along the Canal.

Marketing maverick Libby says, “exploring new stretches of the Canal with my best friend, Snow, and my husband.” Pictured is Snow near Expo Park, Libby and Snow on a Conservancy walk in Aurora, and Libby with her husband Matt biking in Highlands Ranch.

What is your favorite Canal memory? Let us know when you share your story!