Happy World Wildlife Day! Today marks the 50th anniversary of an agreement to protect more than 37,000 species. Did you know the Canal is home to over 190 bird species, 28 mammal species and 15 reptile species? Wildlife is abundant along the Canal. Learn a bit more about World Wildlife Day.

What is World Wildlife Day?

On March 3, 1973 the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) was adopted and protects wildlife from overexploitation through trade.

What animals are protected by the CITES agreement?

Animals like falcons, hummingbirds, owls, bobcats, otters, black bears and more are all protected by CITES. This agreement benefits Colorado wildlife, including those using habitat found along the High Line Canal.

How can I celebrate wildlife?

Head outside to appreciate your community’s wild and wonderful plants and animals. You can go on an urban safari and walk, run, ride or roll along the High Line Canal to look for wildlife or tracks. You can also consider joining a virtual celebration from around the globe. Visit wildlifeday.org/en/events to learn more.

Another fun activity – print this coloring page and create a showstopping design, then post a picture of it to your social account and use tags: #WorldWildlifeDay and #HighLineCanal.