Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Hop on your bike and ride the Canal headed east past the Aurora Municipal Center (after checking out Globalfest!), avoid busy Chambers by using the underpass, and keep riding along Delaney Farm until you reach East Tollgate Creek. There you will see the Centre Hills Disc Golf Course on the east side of the Canal trail.

Formerly the Centre Hills Par 3 Golf Course, the Centre Hills Disc Golf Course opened to the public in 2014. The course, which is free to use, features 18 holes. The course is situated on a long and narrow stretch of land adorned with three ponds with East Toll Gate Creek running through the middle. Aside from a few trees, the course is open, flat and populated by native grasses. The disc golf course can be used from 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM daily. For the City of Aurora’s handy guide to the course, including a scoring sheet, click here. And to discover more on DiscGolf in the Denver metro region check out the Mile High Disc Golf Club.

New to the Game? Check out a quick guide by clicking here!

Location: GoogleMaps