
Thank you for visiting the Conservancy’s shop! Your purchase will support efforts to preserve, protect and enhance all 71 miles of the High Line Canal.

How to shop:

  1. Hover over the item of interest
  2. Select:
    • “Details” to learn more
    • “Add to Cart” to immediately add it to your cart
    • “Options” to choose a size before adding to your cart
  3. When ready to check out, select the cart icon in the top right of the page next to the “Donate” button (or if you are on a product page, you can select “View cart”
  4. Ensure your order is correct for items, quantities and sizes in your cart
  5. Select your shipping option
    • “Local pick” indicates you will to come to Conservancy HQ and pick up your merchandise
    • “Flat rate” indicates we will ship your merchandise to you for the flat rate of $5
  6. Click “Proceed to Checkout” button
  7. Enter billing details
  8. Enter shipping details
  9. Review your order and if you have a promotional code you can add it on this page
  10. Select payment method
    • “Cash on delivery” can be selected for local pickup orders only and you pay at pickup
    • “Credit/Debit card” can be used for local pickup and no payment will be due at pickup and must be used for flat rate shipping
  11. When everything looks good select the “Place Order” button